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"I gave them the embassy in Jerusalem," Trump said, referring to the Trump administration in 2018 moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — a relocation long debated in Washington — and one that showed the U.S. officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Last week, Ye released a video saying that Trump had been "really impressed" with Fuentes, whom he described as a "loyalist," and that the artist caught Trump off guard by asking him to be his vice president.

Under the Trump administration, the Justice Department limited enforcement actions to protect voting rights, and in fact often defended restrictions on voting rights imposed by various states that have been challenged as voter suppression.

Trump nominated Tom Marino to become the nation's drug czar but the nomination was withdrawn after an investigation found he had been the chief architect of a bill that crippled the enforcement powers of the Drug Enforcement Administration and worsened the opioid crisis.[377]

Trump sought media attention throughout his career, sustaining a "love–hate" relationship with the press.[729] In the 2016 campaign, Trump benefited from a record amount of free media coverage, elevating his standing in the Republican primaries.

Volume II covered obstruction of justice. The report described ten episodes where Trump may have obstructed justice as president, plus one instance before he was elected.[697][698] The report said that in addition to Trump's public attacks on the investigation and its subjects, he had also privately tried to "control the investigation" in multiple ways, but mostly failed to influence it because his subordinates or associates refused to carry out his instructions.[699][700] For that reason, pelo charges against the Trump's aides and associates were recommended "beyond those already filed".

Upon announcing the formal closure of the investigation and his resignation from the Justice Department on May 29, Mueller said, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a brasil crime, we would have said so.

Vigora este sistema eleitoral maioritário a 2 voltas. Será eleito o candidato que obtiver Ainda mais de metade Destes votos validamente expressos, não se considerando saiba como tal os votos em natural.

Il jair bolsonaro telegram comunicato precisa poi che "Exor comunicherà la lista terminada dei candidati per il rinnovo del cda entro i termini di legge., cioè 25 giorni prima dell'assemblea del 18 gennaio".

É eleito por sufrágio universal directo, podendo se candidatar ao cargo qualquer cidadãESTES moçambicano qual cumulativamente possua tenham a nacionalidade originária desprovido qual possua qualquer outra nacionalidade; possua pelo menos trinta e cinco anos; esteja pelo pleno gozo Destes direitos civis e políticos; e tenha sido proposto por um mínimo por dez mil eleitores.[15]

In June, the Supreme Court partially stayed certain injunctions that were put on the order by two federal appeals courts earlier, allowing the executive order to mostly go into effect.

All references to climate change were removed from the White House website, with the sole exception of mentioning Trump's intention to eliminate the Obama administration's climate change policies.[291] The EPA removed climate change material on its website, including detailed climate data.[292] In June 2017, Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, a 2015 climate change accord reached by 200 nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions.[293] In December 2017, Trump – who had repeatedly called scientific consensus on climate a "hoax" before becoming president – falsely implied that cold weather meant climate change was not occurring.[294] Through executive order, Trump reversed multiple Obama administration policies meant to tackle climate change, such as jair bolsonaro instagram a moratorium on federal coal leasing, the Presidential Climate Action Plan, and guidance for federal agencies on taking climate change into account during National Environmental Policy Act action reviews.

Trump frequently criticized the independence of the judiciary for unfairly interfering in his administration's ability to decide policy.[100] In November 2018, in an extraordinary rebuke of a sitting president, Roberts criticized Trump's characterization of a judge who had ruled against his policies as an "Obama judge," adding "That's not law.

In the first six weeks of his tenure, Trump suspended – or in a few cases, revoked – more than 90 regulations.[328] In early 2017, Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to slash two existing regulations for every new one (without spending on regulations going up).[329] A September 2017 Bloomberg BNA review found that due to unclear wording in the order and the large proportion of regulations it exempts, the order had had little effect since it was signed.

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